Transfer 4 All - Arcadian Transport of People with Disabilities - Tripoli Arcadia - Transport of Disabled People Tripoli - Sparta - Kalamata

Transfer 4 All - Arcadian Transport of People with Disabilities - Tripoli Arcadia - Transport of Disabled People Tripoli - Sparta - Kalamata

20785 Visitors:
Address: Eleftheriou Venizelou 19
Area: Tripoli
Telephone: 6980499666
Mobile: 6942984128
P.C.: 22132
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
TRANSFER 4 ALL is headquartered in Tripoli, Arcadia and is active in the field of passenger and disabled transport in Tripoli, Sparta and Kalamata. We have mini ovens for 6-9 persons, specially designed for people with mobility problems.   We handle transfers to and from hospitals, ports, airports, hotels consistently and safely. We organize private tours and provide 24-hour on-call service.   Our goal is to facilitate every passenger and to serve people with mobility problems....
20785 Visitors:

Eleftheriou Venizelou 19, Tripoli

20785 Visitors:

TRANSFER 4 ALL is headquartered in Tripoli, Arcadia and is active in the field of passenger and disabled transport in Tripoli, Sparta and Kalamata. We have mini ovens for 6-9 persons, specially designed for people with mobility problems.

We handle transfers to and from hospitals, ports, airports, hotels consistently and safely. We organize private tours and provide 24-hour on-call service.

Our goal is to facilitate every passenger and to serve people with mobility problems. Our services include the provision of a wheelchair for transportation needs.


Carriage of passengers (6-9 persons)
Disabled transfer
Port - airport - hotel - hospital transfers
Private tours / private trips
Taxi services 24 hours
Wheelchair accessibility
20785 Visitors:

Eleftheriou Venizelou 19

Telephone: 6980499666
Mobile: 6942984128

Working Hours
